Tuesday, June 14, 2005

"Visual" Programming

I just remembered a feature from the Visual Basic world: the IDE would hide all of the code file except for the function with which you were currently working. You would pick a function in a little menu and only that function would appear.

I'm not sure if I like this or not. I know I like having access to functions. During my last round of Linux hacking I set Emacs bookmarks for most of the functions with which I was working. This allowed me to flip around without navigating the pile of code that had accreted.

In Visual Studio .NET 2003 the "Class View" feature allows you to browse your classes to find a particular function and then you can just double-click on the function name and it opens the file and puts the cursor at the function. This is identical to the Emacs bookmarks, but with Emacs you had to put the bookmarks in yourself.

There's a project that wouldn't be too hard: build a bookmarker for Emacs that would put a bookmark at the beginning of each function in a code file.

Maybe one day I'll get to it.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Dimentia, or not

Do you ever just stare at your screen for a few minutes trying to figure out what you're doing and then realize you're looking at the wrong file and it's no wonder it doesn't make sense?

Where have I been?

I guess I got busy with finals and things. Now it's Summer Semester and all I'm taking is Calculus III, "Multivariable Calculus".

Monday, April 04, 2005

Anger Management

One time, I got so mad that I jumped up and down, just like in the cartoons.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Just kidding

I changed positions in my job today. Before I was an intern, now I'm an intern.

Perhaps I should explain... No, there is too much, let me sum up.

I was "reporting to" the "PQA Manager", now he has a counterpart called the "Test Development Manager". So I thougt I'd work over there for a while.

(if you don't understand what this has to do with "kidding" just read the post below this one.)

Changing Positions

I thought I'd stand up for a change.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Waspods Astronomy

OK. I give up. I have too many passwords.

First I type the passwords into the username fields, now I'm just typing the wrong passwords into different systems.

Something has to be done.

Thursday, March 10, 2005


I was traumatized today when I typed my password (which has never been written down, &c., &c.) into the username field by accident. I'd never seen that string of characters before. It was scary.

Student Elections

So, I'm studying computer science at the University of Utah. This week is the Student Elections! Very exciting.

Anyway, there were two parties. As far as I can tell, the only difference between them is that one group wears yellow t-shirts and the other group wears pink ones. I decided that I would vote this time. So I voted for the yellow people.

I walked by one of the tables for the pink people and they were very enthusiastic about getting me to vote. They even offered me doughnuts and hot dogs. I felt bad taking the pink people's food because I had voted for the competitors... I dunno, maybe I shouldn't feel bad. They just want to be nice, right?


I forgot what I was going to say... I registered this account so I could say this one thing, now I've forgotten it!

Well, maybe next time.

Again I blog

I've tried running a blog on my home-page; you can look at it here. Notice the date of the last post. I forgot my administrator password after that... One day this blog may move there, we'll see.