Saturday, October 04, 2008

The Plan was to Take Photos On The Way


I just got back from dinner at T.G.I. Friday's. Yes I'm in Brazil; but it was close to my hotel and the other direction from where I usually go (i.e. toward the client's office).

I decided that I would skip the "afternoon" conference session and take advantage of "the magic hour". My plan went awry in several ways. First, there weren't many interesting photos on the way. It was just another two blocks down a road with which I was already familiar (Av. Santo Amaro). Second, the real magic hour hadn't started yet. Third, Friday's was much closer than I had anticipated.

Surprised at seeing the restaurant so soon, I went in. (This happens to me a lot; I get surprised and then forget my cool plan.) They sat me upstairs by a window, so I had the whole meal to watch the light get more interesting. Luckily, it didn't look like I missed anything too spectacular. Then again, the definition of "missing something" is not seeing it -- so who knows what I missed.

Oh well. If I weren't up in the restaurant, I wouldn't have had this view of the intersection below.

1 comment:

Libbyella said...

I love you, okay, Sweetheart?